“We are one team working towards the same goal.”

The consulting firm inlumi contracted Klingit 
to revamp its brand, website, and to assist 
with current design and marketing production.
Anna Larsson, CMO at inlumi, is very satisfied with the collaboration and the outcome.

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inlumi is a global consulting firm, specialized in advisory and digital transformation for corporate finance departments. Anna Larsson is the CMO of Inlumi and responsible for the company’s marketing and communication.
– We help ensure the future of our clients’ operations. With our services, they take control by having the right organization, processes, and system support for planning, reporting, and forecasting in place, so they can make better decisions at the right time.

In recent years, inlumi has grown significantly through acquisitions as well as organic growth. The internal team and the target group largely consist of individuals with high expertise in areas such as corporate finance. This implies high demands on the company’s in-house team who are responsible for everything from branding to strategic and tactical communication. According to Anna Larsson, value creation is a guiding star for the company’s communication efforts.

– Since we want to reach a niche target group with high expertise and also attract colleagues with specialist competence, we established a clear content strategy early on, Anna Larsson says. Sharing what we at inlumi are experts in and ensuring that the recipient learns something from us is crucial. As opposed to sharing large amounts of content, we focus on quality of each content piece.


Before inlumi started to work with Klingit, all work was done in-house. 
As the company grew, there was an increased need for clearer positioning and an updated brand. It also became challenging for the team to keep up with the increasing amount of work.
– I am extremely proud of the competence of our in-house team, and we have come a long way on our own. But we reached a point where we needed external input and support to elevate to the next level, Anna Larsson says.

It was around this time that inlumi was approached by Klingit, which lead to a discovery meeting to find out what Klingit offered, according to Anna Larsson.
– We quickly realized that they understood our needs and could outline the next steps for our brand. It was obvious to us that Klingit had great experience from working with growing B2B brands.

Klingit and inlumi started a brand development project in the fall of 2022. Alongside this, an ongoing production collaboration was also initiated. The new visual identity resulted in a web design, which was transformed into a new website based on Klingit’s CORE platform.
– We feel that we have been working together towards the same goal, and we had a very good collaboration with our project manager from Klingit who was with us throughout the journey and guided us through all projects – but where we also learned from each other.


According to Anna Larsson, the team, along with Klingit, has taken inlumi to the next level both in terms of brand and communication.
– I am both proud and satisfied with the result. The feedback on our visual identity and especially on our new website has exceeded expectations. 
In our industry, we now stand out. The new brand and our new website strengthen our position and are strategically important for us to maintain relevancy, which is essential to achieve our business and sales objectives.

The plan going forward is to roll out the brand and continue scaling up the new platform.
– The kind of marketing we do requires a range of different skills. Combining our in-house team with Klingit’s experts in one service is a smooth and cost-effective solution for us.
The close partnership with Klingit now continues with a focus on the ongoing production of design and marketing materials.

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