Schibsted Brand Studio
A visual identity that communicates both playfulness and gravity can be challenging to piece together, but through close contact and a high level of commitment, Klingit was able to deliver a result that the employees at Schibsted Brand Studio are proud to show off.

SCHIBSTED brand studio graphic manual

At Schibsted Brand Studio, they assembled a task force that, together with Klingit, outlined what the new identity should signal. Since it’s a creative business, creativity became a clear keyword, while it was also important to signal credibility. The design work was preceded by Schibsted Brand Studio’s internal formulation of its own story.

“The result is something we’re proud to show off in external communication”
Tobias Waldefeldt Lindner
Head of Creative Concept, Schibsted Brand Studio

Curious but not convinced?
We combine cutting-edge technology and a global team of expert creatives to offer seamless, high-quality creative work on demand.

Vår master story är Berättelsen om oss själva.

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