How to Make Generative AI Work for Your Brand

Download our ebook How to make gen AI work for your brand and uncover how to adapt an AI base model to tailor it to the needs of a specific brand

Generative AI: The hype is real (sort of)

What Generative AI is – and What it Isn’t

Let’s start at the very basics. Artificial intelligence is all around us; it recommends your next Netflix show, provides you with search results on Google, and converses with you in the form of chatbots, among many other things. These applications are all based on traditional AI; artificial intelligence that predicts and makes decisions based on data.

However useful this might be, traditional AI doesn’t create anything new. And this is where Generative AI comes into the picture – it takes the given input (data) and generates something completely new. This can be in the form of text, graphics, animation, music, video, and ready-to-use computer code – whipped up in seconds.

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